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Whitening Cream - Knee Lightening and Underarm

Whitening Cream - Knee Lightening and Underarm

Regular price $6.50 USD
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The provided information highlights a whitening cream under the brand name "YRFKT" with a variety of features and specifications. The product is designed to address certain skin concerns, and here are the listed problems along with potential solutions that the product claims to provide:

List of Problems:

  1. Uneven Skin Tone or Pigmentation:

    • Explanation: The cream is designed for whitening, indicating it may target issues related to uneven skin tone and pigmentation.
    • Solution: Regular use of the cream is suggested to help with skin whitening, potentially reducing dark spots and promoting an even skin tone.
  2. Dehydrated Skin:

    • Explanation: Emphasizes the importance of keeping the skin hydrated for effective absorption and normal pigment metabolism.
    • Solution: The cream contains ingredients like hyaluronic acid and collagen, which are known for their moisturizing properties, aiming to keep the skin hydrated.
  3. Insufficient Sleep, Spicy Food, and Alcohol Impact:

    • Explanation: Recommends lifestyle changes to improve skin health, such as getting enough sleep and avoiding certain foods and alcohol.
    • Solution: While not directly addressed by the cream, the product advocates for a holistic approach to skincare, emphasizing lifestyle changes for overall skin health.
  4. Patience Required for Results:

    • Explanation: Acknowledges that the effectiveness of the cream may vary among individuals and requires patience.
    • Solution: Encourages users to extend the use over time and to be consistent, suggesting that visible results may take time due to differences in the causes and depths of pigmentation.
  5. Metabolism and Skin Renewal Process:

    • Explanation: Highlights the natural process of skin metabolism, suggesting at least four cycles (28 days each) for noticeable results.
    • Solution: Users are advised to use the cream consistently for at least four cycles to allow the skin to undergo its natural renewal process, promoting a clean and rejuvenated complexion.
  6. Anti-Aging, Moisturizing, Nourishing, and Oil Control:

    • Explanation: Lists multiple effects, including anti-aging, moisturizing, nourishing, and oil control.
    • Solution: The cream contains ingredients like vitamin E, peptides, and hyaluronic acid, indicating potential benefits for addressing aging concerns, providing moisture, nourishment, and controlling oil.

Note: It's important to approach skincare products with caution and consider individual skin sensitivities. Results may vary among users, and consulting with a dermatologist before using new skincare products is advisable.

Product Overview: YRFKT Whitening Cream

Brand: YRFKT

Origin: Mainland China

Item Type: Cream

Gender: Female

Number of Pieces: One Unit

NET WT: 50ml

Country/Region of Manufacture: China

Shelf Life: Three years

Emulsion/Cream Category: Gel

Net Content Options: 5g, 15g, 30g, 50g

Effect: Anti-aging, moisturizing, nourishing, whitening, oil control

Skin Type: All skin types


  • Water
  • Carbomer
  • Propylene Glycol
  • Silica Nanoparticles
  • Polypeptide
  • Vitamin E
  • Hyaluronic Acid
  • Collagen
  • MIT (Methylisothiazolinone)
  • Phenoxyethanol

Package: 1 × Whitening Cream Set

Quantity: 1

Usage Instructions:

  1. Cleansing:

    • Cleanse your face in the morning and evening using your regular cleanser to remove dirt, makeup, and impurities. Pat your face dry with a clean towel.
  2. Application:

    • After cleansing, take a small amount of the YRFKT Whitening Cream.
    • Apply the cream evenly to your face, focusing on areas with uneven skin tone, pigmentation, or other targeted concerns.
  3. Massage and Absorption:

    • Gently massage the cream into your skin using upward and outward motions. This helps in better absorption and promotes blood circulation.
    • Continue massaging until the cream is fully absorbed into the skin.
  4. Frequency:

    • Use the cream in the morning and evening for optimal results.
    • Consistency is key. Regular, daily use is recommended to see visible improvements over time.
  5. Additional Tips:

    • Avoid contact with eyes. If the product comes into contact with the eyes, rinse thoroughly with water.
    • Perform a patch test before using the product, especially if you have sensitive skin, to check for any adverse reactions.
    • If you experience irritation or discomfort, discontinue use and consult a dermatologist.

Skin Care Recommendations:

  1. Hydration:

    • Ensure your skin is well-hydrated by drinking an adequate amount of water daily.
    • Follow a balanced diet, including fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C, to support skin health.
  2. Patience and Consistency:

    • Understand that individual results may vary, and achieving desired effects may take time.
    • Be patient and consistent in using the product as recommended.
  3. Lifestyle Changes:

    • Consider lifestyle factors, such as sufficient sleep and dietary choices, to complement the effects of the skincare product.


  • The product is formulated with key ingredients like hyaluronic acid, collagen, and vitamin E to address various skin concerns.
  • The gel formulation suggests a lightweight texture that may be suitable for all skin types.
  • Adhering to the recommended usage instructions and incorporating the cream into a comprehensive skincare routine may enhance its effectiveness.

Before introducing any new skincare product into your routine, it's advisable to perform a patch test and consult with a dermatologist, especially if you have specific skin conditions or concerns.

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